CV 信によってコントロール可能なLFOです。
LFOが2つ搭載されています。それぞれWAVE FORMつまみでSQAREからTRIANGLEまでなめらか波形が調節できます。
CV IN にシーケンサーのCVを入力すると各ステップごとに設定された値によってLFO.AのRATEが変化します。またスイッチでLFO.BもCV INと同時あるいは単独でCVとしてLFO.AのRATEに干渉できます。
CV IN は±9Vまで入力可能です。
9V電池かDC9V センターマイナスアダプターで駆動します。(電池アダプターは付属していません)
This LFO can be controlled by the CV signal.
Two LFOs are equipped. Each has a WAVE FORM knob that can be used to adjust the smooth waveform from SQARE to TRIANGLE.
The rate of LFO.A can be controlled by external CV and LFO.B.
When the sequencer is input to CV IN,the rate of LFO.A changes on each step according to the CV set.
LFO.B can also be input to LFO.A's RATE as a CV at the same time as CV IN or independently.
Each of the two LFOs has its own output jack. Switch A is the power switch, and switch B is the switch that inputs LFO.B to the RATE of LFO.A.
The LEVEL of LFO.B is only for adjusting the output level of LFO.B. (the input level to LFO.A is fixed internally).
CV IN can be input up to ±9V.
It is powered by a 9V battery or a 9V DC center-minus adapter. (Battery adapter not included)
18000 JPY